Music has always been a wonderful vehicle through which people, both individually and communally, can find meaning, solace, peace, excitement, wonder, escape, etc.

In this blog you can share how you understand the idea of 'encountering conflict' through music. Using the shared class account you can contribute to creating an archive of songs that relate to the context. When you add a song to the playlist you will need to post a blog that outlines your reasons for presenting it. Where appropriate, quote lyrics in your discussion. If does not have what you want, write about your song and use a hyperlink to direct people to a place where they can access it. If you have original music that you would like to share has features that should allow you to upload it.

NB: You must adhere to copyright guidelines.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

THE LINE - S/N activity

When you study The Line by Arch and Martin Flanagan you will need to make connections that go beyond the set text, just as you did with The Secret River. The connections you make are about exploring the set context, Encountering Conflict, and building a pool of ideas to inspire writing pieces that are underpinned by themes, ideas and literary devices used in the set text.

To begin this process you are going to source four texts (a picture, a written text, a song and a film) that you can see are about Encountering Conflict and can be linked to The Line in some way. In these explanations make clear:
- the conflict/s you can see
- the links with the set text
- the ideas for possible writing pieces

An area for improvement from our The Secret River blog posts:

Enhance your digital writing by including links to information on sites that supports your commentary. Also, where possible, incorporate a relevant visual with your post. For example, if you are writing about a novel in the Text Tremors section of the blog, import a picture of the novel’s cover.