Music has always been a wonderful vehicle through which people, both individually and communally, can find meaning, solace, peace, excitement, wonder, escape, etc.

In this blog you can share how you understand the idea of 'encountering conflict' through music. Using the shared class account you can contribute to creating an archive of songs that relate to the context. When you add a song to the playlist you will need to post a blog that outlines your reasons for presenting it. Where appropriate, quote lyrics in your discussion. If does not have what you want, write about your song and use a hyperlink to direct people to a place where they can access it. If you have original music that you would like to share has features that should allow you to upload it.

NB: You must adhere to copyright guidelines.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

...and justice for all - metallica

this song pretty much contends how the justice system in america is bribable. basically you can get away with doing whatever you want if you were very wealthy or that money becomes more important than the truth. this kind of relates to the book in a different way. the europeans were more wealthy comapred to the aboriginals and they took the aboriginal peoples land who had a long history with their land. but just like that the europeans took more control.

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